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Does OHIP Cover Eye Exams?

A parent smiling as they sit with their child and talk to their eye doctor about OHIP coverage.

When was the last time you had your eyes checked? Regular eye exams are an essential part of maintaining your health—not just for your vision but for your overall well-being.  Whether it’s spotting early signs of age-related macular degeneration, monitoring diabetic complications, or updating your prescription, an annual visit to the optometrist can make all […]

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Can Dry Eyes Cause Headaches?

a patient wearing a blue blazer holds their forehead with their eyes closed to soothe symptoms of dry eyes and headache while working in front of their laptop.

Dry eyes often lead to vision problems, stinging or burning sensations in the eyes, and overall discomfort. Sometimes, you might notice a headache accompanying your dry eye symptoms. Although there is no concrete evidence that dry eyes cause headaches, these 2 conditions have common triggers. Consult your optometrist for persistent dry eye symptoms for a […]

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Is Macular Degeneration Hereditary?

Vision is one of our most precious senses, yet many of us take it for granted—until issues like macular degeneration arise. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with macular degeneration, you’re likely wondering what caused the condition and whether it could affect other family members.  Macular degeneration does have a genetic component, […]

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Does Omega-3 Help with Dry Eye?

A close-up photo of two Omega-3 fish oil capsule supplements, which help support eye and overall health

Dry eye is a common condition that can lead to vision problems and discomfort. In some cases, severe dry eye can even damage the surface of your eyes. Environmental conditions, prolonged screen time, and underlying conditions can cause or worsen dry eye symptoms. To effectively manage your symptoms, treatment options can be tailored to address […]

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