Get Help Preserving Your Vision from AMD
In the realm of treating and managing age-related macular degeneration (AMD), our team at Erie Shores Eyecare has garnered recognition as an AMD Centre of Excellence from the Macular Degeneration Association. We are devoted to your AMD needs, and if you’re worried about AMD symptoms, we invite you to schedule your personalized appointment online today.
MacuHealth Vision Supplements
Clinically proven MacuHealth vision supplements can play a crucial role in fortifying all 3 macular carotenoids:
- Lutein
- Meso-zeaxanthin
- Zeaxanthin
These essential carotenoids contribute to preserving macular health, safeguarding your macular pigment, and promoting clear vision throughout your life.
Reach out to us for more information on MacuHealth, and take a closer look at this supplement and its benefits by watching this informative video.
MacuHealth Plus Supplements
While MacuHealth supplements are designed for those at risk of developing AMD or with subclinical AMD, MacuHealth Plus is for patients in the early to intermediate stages of AMD.
Based on the renowned AREDS2 study, MacuHealth Plus supplements are scientifically formulated to support optimal eye health and protect vision over a lifetime. With a blend of vital nutrients, including lutein, zeaxanthin, and meso-zeaxanthin, MacuHealth Plus supplements aid in rebuilding macular pigment and optimizing visual performance.
Connect with us to learn more about MacuHealth Plus.
Understanding AMD
Age-related macular degeneration (AMD), an eye disease linked to aging, genetics, or external factors like smoking, is a leading cause of blindness in adults over 55. It develops without noticeable symptoms in its early stages, gradually damaging the macula—the part of your retina responsible for central vision.
Difficulties in reading, driving, or recognizing faces may arise as the disease progresses, and in advanced stages, AMD can lead to blindness. There are a few different types of AMD.
Identifying the early stages of AMD, particularly subclinical AMD, can be challenging. Patients may maintain normal vision during this stage, which is subtle yet progressive, resulting in impaired dark adaptation and occasional night vision difficulties.
Dry AMD is the most common form, characterized by the development of small, yellowish deposits called drusen beneath the macula. These deposits gradually thin the macula over time, leading to symptoms such as visual distortions, difficulty seeing in low light, blurred vision when reading, faded colours, and the need for more light when reading.
While wet AMD occurs in only 10% of patients, it is responsible for 90% of AMD-related blindness. This type occurs when delicate blood vessels form underneath the macula and retina, potentially causing sudden symptoms like faded colours, glare from lights, vision distortion, and dark spots in central vision.
How We Diagnose AMD
At Erie Shores Eyecare, we use innovative technology and treatments to address AMD, earning us the distinction of being an AMD Centre of Excellence. Our AMD testing technology includes optical coherence tomography (OCT) and dark adaptation testing.
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technology that provides highly detailed images of the macula and retina. Similar to ultrasound but using light instead of sound, OCT generates cross-sectional images to explore distorted retinal layers and detect eye diseases like AMD and diabetic retinopathy.
AdaptDx Pro, a next-generation dark adaptation testing device, assesses how well your eyes adapt to changing lighting conditions. Wearable and comfortable with its hygienic comfort guards and AI system, this device aids in the early detection of AMD before signs are visible in the retina.
Treating AMD with Macumira
Macumira is a clinically proven treatment for dry AMD that can offer hope and improved vision. Macumira employs a technique called noninvasive eyelid surface neurostimulation. This process involves the application of microcurrent stimulation using a proprietary waveform through a specialized system.
In a clinical trial, 48% of treated patients showed improvement of at least 10 letters on the EDTRS acuity chart, along with an average increase of 8.8 EDTRS letters and a 25% average increase in EDTRS acuity. These improvements were sustained throughout the trial, demonstrating the lasting effects of Macumira.
Visit Us for Personalized AMD Care
At Erie Shores Eyecare, your eye health is our top priority. As an AMD Centre of Excellence, we’ve become the trusted destination for AMD care in Leamington and Essex communities.
Schedule your appointment online today and let us guide you through personalized treatment and management for AMD.